Sunday 17 February 2019

Tableau public 2019.1 allows for powerpoint export

You will have noticed, dear reader, that a lot of the images I use in the blog are screenshots of the workbook while it's being edited in Tableau Public, before publishing. Tableau has spared a thought for those like me, and from the latest version allows me to export to PowerPoint even before publishing to Tableau Public.

So from this :
we go to this:
It is basically a powerpoint with the image exports of the sheets, but still quite handy! As a general rule when I want to put Tableau visualisations into powerpoint I observe two rules:
  1. Export the view and legend(s) separately into separate png files, so that the legend does not become diminutively small
  2. When resizing the inserted png file, make sure I keep the aspect ratio of the original.